Tsypanov Evgeny A.,
Doctor of Philology, Deputy Director of Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia), tsypanov@mail.illhkomisc.ru
Introduction. The article aims to prove the periodization of the national language policy conducted in the Komi Region (Komi Autonomous Region, Komi ASSR, now Komi Republic) during the last century, beginning in 1918 and ending with our days.
Materials and Methods. The article is based on theoretical knowledge of the progress of the program, so called “zyryanization” in the 1920s. of the XX century.
Results and Discussion. Its outcomes formed the basis for the professional Komi culture and national identity of the Komi-Zyryans, as well as the phenomenon of stagnation and the processes of recoiling of the national language policy in the 1950s–1980s and the contradictory processes of the past three decades.
Conclusion. For the first time the article presents a structured periodization of three main periods which is rooted in a systematic and researched based analysis of the historical and philological material on the Komi language in historical retrospect. Theoretical conclusions will be useful to philologists and linguists, as well as historians, social scientists, and ethnographers.
Key words: national language policy; periodization of the national language policy; Komi Republic; «zyrianization» program; Komi-Zyrian language.
For citation: Tsypanov EA. Opyt periodizacii nacional’no-jazykovoj politiki v Respublike Komi (ot nachala XX v. do nashih dnej) [Periodization experience of the national language policy in Komi Republic (From the beginning of the 20th century to the present day)]. Finno-ugorskiy mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 1: 17–23. (In Russ.)
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