Iu. G. Antonov, S. V. Sheianova (Saransk, Russia). Modern mordovian literature: synthesis of traditions and innovation (on the material of the editions of 2016)

Modern mordovian literature: synthesis of traditions and innovation (on the material of the editions of 2016)

Antonov Iurii G.,
Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Finno-Ugric Literature,
Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), antonovug@yandex.ru

SheIanova Svetlana V.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Finno-Ugric Literature,
Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), antonovug@yandex.ru

Introduction. The article analyses artistic achievement of modern Mordovian literature that successively had developed and enriched the aesthetic traditions of the previous decades, and at the same time which offers experimental forms, new aspects of understanding the concept of the world and a person, the means and ways of expressing the individual author’s worldview. In this connection, there arises the need for its multidimensional research, and for the solution of conceptual analytical literary problems. The main goal of the article is to follow the natural process of correlation of traditional forms of artistic manifestation and innovative individual, authoring strategies on the basis of certain publications. The object of the study was the genre choice of the writers; compositional, problematic and thematic-based, motivational and figurative features of their works that are considered from the point of view of traditionalism and innovation. The provisions of the paper can be used in the preparation of academic and methodological materials on the course “History of Mordovian Literature”.
Materials and Methods. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach that incorporates comparative and typological, problematic and thematic, structural and poetic, cultural and contextual methods. The material was based on the works of national writers published in 2016, namely: the second volume of “Selected Works” by N. Ishutkin; the meta-genre collection of the prose by E. Chetvergov “Poladkstomo” (“Without continuation”) and “Not Only Rhyme”, the work of a young poetess A. Podgornova.
Results and Discussion. For the development of national literature, the turn of the XX and XXI centuries was a complex and contradictory period, conditioned by the socio-economic manifestations of the transitional era. Nevertheless, the artistic and aesthetic level of the analyzed works makes it possible to predict the search for new topics for the authors to construct original ways, aesthetic programs and formats. The feature of the art projects of the Mordovian authors is an appeal to the problems of the national and philosophical plan, the dialogical nature of speech, the strengthening of analytical and research discourse. This activates the aesthetical and receptive preferences of the reader, their associative thinking, as well as contributes to the comprehension of complex existential, ontological and epistemological problems.
Conclusion. The authors came to the conclusion that Mordovian literature as a successively developing system that operates on the experience of previous generations and offers new perspectives, techniques, methods of artistic comprehension of life, modeling of the triad “universal – national – individual”. Modern national literature can be perceived as a developing sociocultural, artistic and aesthetic phenomenon.

Key words: literary discourse; tradition; innovation; prose; poetry; individual author’s world outlook; motive and imagination cluster.

For citation: Antonov IuG, Sheianova SV. Sovremennaia mordovskaia literatura: sintez traditsii i novatorstva (na materiale izdanii 2016 g.) [Modern mordovian literature: synthesis of traditions and innovation (on the material of the editions of 2016)]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 2: 20–29. (In Russian)

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