V. N. Solovar (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia). The semantics of phraseological units-somatisms with component sym/săм meaning “heart” in the Ob-Ugric languages

 The semantics of phraseological units-somatisms with component sym/săм meaning “heart” in the Ob-Ugric languages

Solovar Valentina N.,
Doctor of Philology, Senior Research Fellow, Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Development (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), solovarv@mail.ru

Introduction. For the first time, the Khanty and Mansi emotic phraseological units of microfields “joy”, “love”, “fear” are compared. On the material of the Ob-Ugric languages, phraseological units have been studied fragmentarily, comparative studies have not been conducted. The urgency of the work is due to the fact that human emotions differ in different languages by verbal representation. The subject of the study is phraseological units, which include the component “heart”. The purpose of the article is to describe the similarities and differences in the structure and semantics of fixed combinations of closely related languages. The results can be used when comparing genetically unrelated languages, as well as for research in the area of grammar of the Khanty language.
Materials and Methods. The material of the study was the phraseological units with the component “heart” in the Mansi and Khanty languages selected by the author from the interviewees and from the articles on the Mansi language. The author uses comparative method and the method of component analysis.
Results and Discussion. Despite the genetic relationship of the languages, the emotional and psychological perception of the worlds of the Khanty and Mansi peoples have both similarities and differences.
Conclusion. In the Ob-Ugric languages in the microfield “joy” there are three phraseological units which are equivalent, and while six have no analogues. The semantic field “love” in both languages forms phraseological units that mean the kindness of a person; three of them coincide. A distinctive feature of the Khanty language is phraseological unit “to live with one heart-liver”. In the microfield “fear” there are seven units which are equivalent. In the Mansi language, there are verbs of destruction, which does not occur in the Khanty language.

Key words: phraseological units; universal and differential in phraseological units; comparison; somatism; phraseological worldview; the Ob-Ugric languages.

For citation: Solovar VN. Semantika frazeologizmov-somatizmov s komponentom sym/căm ‘serdtse’ v obsko-ugorskikh iazykakh [The semantics of phraseological units-somatisms with component sym/săм meaning “heart” in the Ob-Ugric languages]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 4: 65–70. (In Russian)

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(In Russian)

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