I. N. Shkolkina (Saransk, Russia). Impact of globalization on the self-awareness of the Mordovians

Impact of globalization on the self-awareness of the Mordovians

Shkolkina Irina N.,
Candidate Sc. {Philosophy}, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), shkolkinain1971@gmail.com

Introduction. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that today the traditional, original, unique Mordovian culture with its original material and spiritual values falls under the influence of globalization which can be opposed only in the reasonably. The purpose of this study is to study the impact of globalization on the Mordovian self-awareness. The object of the work is Mordovian self-awareness, the subject is the impact of globalization.
Materials and Methods. To determine the impact of globalization on the ethnic identity of the Mordovians, a sociological survey was conducted. Its subjects were first-year students of the Institute of National Culture of Ogarev Mordovia State University. To assess their ethnic identity, it used the test “Ethnic affiliation” by G. U. Soldatova, S. V. Ryzhova, J. Finney’s technique, and the methods of classification of ethnic self-consciousness by V. Yu. Khotinets. Since the level of ethnic self-awareness among the young people proved to be below average, an analytical method of research was used to show the reasons for this state of affairs.
Results and Discussion. Having studied the history of the Mordovian ethnos, we came to the conclusion that it has undergone various metamorphoses: from the rooting to the Russification. The latter had a serious impact on the mother tongue of the Mordovian population. Before the beginning of globalization the ethnos fell under the impact of integration processes. After the collapse of the USSR, the bilingualism returned, and political and legal bases for preserving national specificity of Mordovian culture were created. Now it is important to direct the development of the Mordovian ethnos along the path of glocalization.
Conclusions. The process of globalization changing the paradigm of the development of mankind provokes ambiguous reactions in the representatives of the Mordovian ethnos from ethnoegism, ethno-isolationism to ethno-nihilism and national indifference. We need a national idea capable of awakening feelings of patriotism and pride for our ethnos. The emphasis must be made on the glacialization of Mordovia and its transformation into a transboundary region.

Key words: globalization; Mass culture; ethnic identification; ethnic self-awareness; national spirit; mentality; Mordovian culture; linguistic picture of the world; glocalization.

For citation: Shkolkina IN. Vliianie globalizatsii na samosoznanie mordvy [Impact of globalization on the self-awareness of the Mordovians]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 4: 107–124. (In Russian)

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