K. V. Dementieva (Saransk, Russia). Opportunities and prospects for the development of the municipal and national press of the Republic of Mordovia in the context of the popularization of Internet media

Opportunities and prospects for the development of the municipal and national press of the Republic of Mordovia in the context of the popularization of Internet media

Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism,
Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), dementievakv@gmail.com

Introduction. The article considers municipal and national periodicals and newspapers of the Republic of Mordovia in the information space of the region and their role in preserving national unity and strengthening the positive image of a multinational Republic. The theoretical basis for this study was the work of the following scholars: Yu. A. Mishanin, K. V. Dementieva, A. A. Strizhenko. Practical significance lies in the analysis of the press of the Republic of Mordovia in the Internet, recommendations on the transformation of municipal and national media in order to preserve national unity, the spread of Mordovian languages among the population of Mordovia, the diaspora and the whole Finno-Ugric world. The object of research is the municipal and national press of the Republic of Mordovia, the subject of research is the features of the contemporary development of the municipal and national press of the Republic of Mordovia. The purpose of the study is to identify the opportunities and prospects for the development of the municipal and national press of the Republic of Mordovia in the context of the popularization of the Internet media.
Materials and Methods. The research methodology is rooted in description, analysis, and prediction. The material of the study was print mass-media, Internet resources of municipal and national periodicals of the Republic of Mordovia.
Results and Discussion. The author gives a classification of electronic versions of municipal newspapers and on specific examples shows the advantages and disadvantages of various types of information delivery on the Internet. It also discusses the possibilities of social networks and blogs to expand the audience of the press. In addition, it gives the prospects for the further development of the municipal and national press in the Internet.
Conclusion. Classification of electronic versions of municipal newspapers was offered, an analysis of the merits and demerits of varioOn specific examples it makes the classification of electronic versions of municipal newspapers and the analysis of the merits and shortcomings of various types of information on the Internet. The author determines the prospects for the development of these media and makes the recommendations for creating a global portal for the residents and guests of Mordovia that could combine information of various kinds.

Key words: unicipal and national press; public opinion; The Internet; site; social network; portal; image; Blog; Mordovian languages; Finno-Ugric people.

For citation: Dementieva KV. Vozmozhnosti i perspektivy razvitiia munitsipal’noi i natsional’noi pressy Respubliki Mordoviia v usloviiakh populiarizatsii elektronnykh sredstv massovoi informatsii [Opportunities and prospects for the development of the municipal and national press of the Republic of Mordovia in the context of the popularization of Internet media]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 2: 41–51. (In Russian)

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