Candidate Sc. {Geology and Mineralogy}, Head of the Research Department of Socio-Economic Development and Monitoring, Ob-Ugrian Institute of Applied Research and Development (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia),
Introduction. In article studies ethnocultural education at schools of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region. The aim of this paper is to collect and study the data on the need of teaching ethnic and cultural courses at schools of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region. In particular in article considers the results of a sociological research about the possibility and need in teaching courses with national and regional content at school which was conducted among the parents of school students of the Surgut district of Yugra (2014). The results of the research are important for the administrative decisions in the field of ethnic-based education at schools of the region.
Materials and Methods. The data for the paper was collected due to the sociological research on the possibilities and needs in teaching courses with national and regional content at schools which was conducted in 2014. The results of the research were processed in “Vortex”, sociological information software.
Results and Discussion. Most of respondents (38,9 %) believe that teaching the native language as well as other courses of national and regional significance at their school is extremely necessary; 23,2 and 22,7 % of respondents among school pupils and their parents respectively consider that it is rather necessary. Only an insignificant share of respondents (2,5 %) consider that in it there is no need in it.
Conclusion. In general, the results of sociological survey show that there is a need in teaching the Khanty language, literature and other courses of national and regional significance at schools, even as mandatory courses. According to the respondents, the main goal of teaching the native languages or other courses of national and regional significance is a preservation of national traditions and development of language.
Key words: ethno-cultural education; indigenous peoples of the North; respondents; national and regional courses.
For citation: Khaknazarov SKh. O potrebnosti v izuchenii predmetov etnokul’turnoi napravlennosti v shkolakh Khanty-Mansiiskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Iugry [The need of studying of courses of the ethnic and cultural significance at schools of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region – Yugra]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 3: 113–121. (In Russian)
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