ISSN 2076-2577 (print)
ISSN 2541-982X (online)
Registry Entry ПИ № ФС77–70644 August 3, 2017 Archives
Tag Archives: 2017-03
Contents (2017, 3)
PHILOLOGY N. G. Zaitseva (Petrozavodsk, Russia). Dialects of the Vepsian language in the context of linguistic geography I. G. Ivanova, R. A. Egoshina (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Comparative phonetic analysis of interrogative sentence intonation in the Mari and French languages M. V. … Continue reading
N. G. Zaitseva (Petrozavodsk, Russia). Dialects of the Vepsian language in the context of linguistic geography
Dialects of the Vepsian language in the context of linguistic geography Zaitseva Nina G., Doctor of Philology, Head of the Linguistics Sector, Institute of Language, Literature and History Karelia Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Petrozavodsk, Russia), zng@ro.ru … Continue reading
I. G. Ivanova, R. A. Egoshina (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Comparative phonetic analysis of interrogative sentence intonation in the Mari and French languages
Comparative phonetic analysis of interrogative sentence intonation in the Mari and French languages IVANOVA Iraida G., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology, Mari State University (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), iraida44@yandex.ru EGOSHINA Rita A., Senior Lecturer, Department of … Continue reading
M. V. Mosin (Saransk, Russia). Lexical and syntactic structure of word combinations in Erzya newspapers of the 20–30s of the XX century
Lexical and syntactic structure of word combinations in Erzya newspapers of the 20–30s of the XX century Mosin Mihail V., Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Finno-Ugric and Comparative Linguistics, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), finugor@rambler.ru Introduction. The … Continue reading
N. M. Mosina, N. V. Kazaeva (Saransk, Russia). Semantic characteristics and features of phraseological units with component-somatism fej / pää / пря ‘head’ in the Hungarian, Finnish and Moksha languages
Semantic characteristics and features of phraseological units with component-somatism fej / pää / пря ‘head’ in the Hungarian, Finnish and Moksha languages Mosina Natal’ia M., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Finno-Ugric and Comparative Linguistics, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, … Continue reading
T. V. Pashkova (Petrozavodsk, Russia). The names of some mythogical diseases according to the Karelian language
The names of some mythogical diseases according to the Karelian language Pashkova Tatiana V., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Baltic-Finnish Philology, Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russia), tvp-1979@mail.ru Introduction. The subject of the article is related to folk medicine … Continue reading
N. G. Ivlieva (Saransk, Russia). Creation of maps of Mordovian ethnos resettlement in Siberian region on the data of USSR population census of 1926
Creation of maps of Mordovian ethnos resettlement in Siberian region on the data of USSR population census of 1926 Ivlieva Natalia G., Cand. Sc. {Engineering}, Associate Professor, Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), gkg_mrsu@mail.ru … Continue reading
V. N. Nemechkin (Saransk, Russia). Finno-Ugric civic diplomacy: theoretical, legal and practical aspects
Finno-Ugric civic diplomacy: theoretical, legal and practical aspects Nemechkin Vasilii N., Candidate Sc. {Law}, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), modmn@mail.ru Introduction. The article reveals the theoretical and legal aspects of Finno-Ugric … Continue reading
E. N. Kasarkina, A. A. Antipova (Saransk, Russia). Tradition and modern trends of familistical culture of Mordovian young family in the countryside
Tradition and modern trends of familistical culture of Mordovian young family in the countryside Kasarkina Elena N., Cand. Sc. {Sociology}, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), eienovik@mail.ru Antipova Alena A., Cand. Sc. {Sociology}, Associate … Continue reading
E. E. Lediaikin (Saransk, Russia). Social-project method in preservation and development of traditions of Erzya family in the Republic of Mordovia
Social-project method in preservation and development of traditions of Erzya family in the Republic of Mordovia Lediaikin Evgenii E., Post-graduate student Department of Social Work, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), Chairperson of the Board of the Regional Public Organization “Erzya … Continue reading
S. A. Popova (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia). The Bear’s Festival of the Northern group of the Mansi: linguistic taboo
The Bear’s Festival of the Northern group of the Mansi: linguistic taboo Popova Svetlana A., Candidate Sc. {History}, Leading Research Fellow, Scientific Research Department of History, Archeology and Ethnology Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Developments (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), rusina-popova@yandex.ru Introduction. … Continue reading
S. Kh. Khaknazarov (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia). The need of studying of courses of the ethnic and cultural significance at schools of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region – Yugra
The need of studying of courses of the ethnic and cultural significance at schools of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region – Yugra KHAKNAZAROV Said Kh., Candidate Sc. {Geology and Mineralogy}, Head of the Research Department of Socio-Economic Development and Monitoring, Ob-Ugrian Institute … Continue reading
L. B. Bojarkina (Saransk, Russia). Ilро Sáastamoinen and modern musical Finno-Ugric studies (on 75th birthday anniversary)
Ilро Sáastamoinen and modern musical Finno-Ugric studies (on 75th birthday anniversary) Bojarkina Lyudmila B., Candidate Sc. {History of Arts}, Associate professor, Interregional Research Center of Finno-Ugric Studies Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), bojarkin_ni@mail.ru
A. G. Musanov (Syktyvkar, Russia). “Satellites of civilizations”
“Satellites of civilizations” Musanov Aleksei G., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Head of the Language Sector, Komi Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia), musanov@mail.illhkomisc.ru
E. V. Ostapova, R. P. Popova (Syktyvkar, Russia). A talented scholar and a teacher (on 80th birthday anniversary of professor V. V. Pakhorukova)
A talented scholar and a teacher (on 80th birthday anniversary of professor V. V. Pakhorukova) Ostapova Elena V., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University (Syktyvkar, Russia), ost-1966@yandex.ru Popova Rimma P., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Head of the Department of … Continue reading