E. E. Lediaikin (Saransk, Russia). Social-project method in preservation and development of traditions of Erzya family in the Republic of Mordovia

Social-project method in preservation and development of traditions of Erzya family in the Republic of Mordovia

Lediaikin Evgenii E.,
Post-graduate student Department of Social Work,
Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia),
Chairperson of the Board of the Regional Public Organization “Erzya cultural and educational society «Voice of Erzya»”, eesmgttl.l@gmail.com

Introduction. The author shows the transformation processes in the life of Erzya families in the Republic of Mordovia, as well as the system of factors that led to the changes in the family of Erzya. The changes that are taking place require active measures to preserve and strengthen the traditional Erzya family in the region. The purpose of the work is the emergence and dissemination of national traditions of Erzya families.
Methods and Materials. As a way to achieve this goal, it proposes the program-target method. In addition, when designing a family center project, it uses a socio-project method.
Results and Discussion. Within the framework of the developing programme “Erzya Family: Traditions and Modernity”, the author presents the social project of the family center, which is planned to be implemented in one of the villages of the Republic. The center is aimed at the organization of joint activities of the older and younger generations in the form of master classes. Their implementation involves the transfer from grandmothers and grandfathers to children and adolescents the knowledge about national traditions of the Erzya, as well as the skills of following festive and everyday rites. The result of the work of the family center will be the cultural organization of the leisure time of families, the raising of the cultural level of the population, the revival of the national traditions of the Erzya people and the national identity, the convergence of the family generations, which all together will contribute to the strengthening of the Erzya family in an specific village.
Conclusion. The result of the functioning of the family center should be the strengthening of the family and the spread of national culture in the village, and further on to the city.

Key words: Erzya family; transformation; social project; a family center; club work; tradition; master class.

For citation: Lediaikin EE. Sotsial’no-proektnyi metod v sokhranenii i razvitii traditsii erzianskoi sem’i v Respublike Mordoviia [Social-project method in preservation and development of traditions of Erzya family in the Republic of Mordovia]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 3: 90–101. (In Russian)

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