Information for Authors


The Editorial Board does not provide any pay or agency services and it does not work with intermediaries.

The articles can be submitted by the authors only. All publications in the journal are free. The fast track publication as well as conference proceedings are not available.

The journal publishes only original manuscripts that have never been published or submitted elsewhere.

Previously published articles or the article which were simultaneously submitted to other journals are considered invalid and are retracted.


This journal accepts manuscripts and reviews previously not submitted to any other journals. The journal covers various areas of Finno-Ugric Studies: “Philology” – 10.02.00 linguistics; “History” – 5.6. Historical sciences (5.6.1. History of Russia, 5.6.2. General History, 5.6.4. Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography); “Cultural Studies” – 24.00.00 Cultural Studies.

The journal prohibits the manuscripts of the articles which were already printed in other journals or they are under consideration for a different journal.

The manuscripts are accepted in Russian and English. In case it is written in English, parts 1 and 4 are omitted and part 3 is in English.

There are no submission fees or page charges for this journal.

Requirements for the articles (CSAB recommendation)

Part 1 (in Russian):

  • UDC;
  • Title;
  • Full name of the author(s);
  • Degree, position;
  • Institutional affiliation (indicating affiliation area);
  • E-mail of the author (s);
  • Abstract that structurally replicates the parts of the article (except Literature Review part) and is focused on its content. The limit for the abstract is  200-250 words;
  • Key words (the limit is 5–10 without any contractions or shortenings).

Part 2 translation / transliteration of Part 1 into English:

  • Title (Translation in the title of the article in English without any contractions, shortenings or transliteration with the only exclusion for proper names. The same requirement is applied for the abstract and key words.);
  • Last name and the initial letter of the name(s) (Library of Congress (LC) transliteration  via Transliteration;
  • Institutional affiliation (Full name of the employer and affiliation according to Scopus DB. Acronyms are not accepted);
  • Abstract translated into English;
  • Key words (translated into English without any contractions or shortenings).

Note: While translating, please, avoid any on-line translation services for the reason of low quality translation.

Part 3body of the article including the following information:

  1. Introduction. The formulation of the research problem, justification of its relevance in general and in application to a particular branch of science or certain activity, the scientific novelty of the author’s approach to solving the problem, the object, purpose and objectives of the study;
  2. Literature Review. Comparative analysis of the main research and publications (of both national and international authors) on the subject, indication of the lack of the research materials in the studies area;
  3. Materials and Methods. The detailed explanation of the principles, approaches, methods an techniques used by the author (s) for the research;
  4. Results and Discussion. The analysis and the data made by the author that confirms the proposed hypothesis; comparison of the results with the previous works of similar character (by both the author and other researchers);
  5. Conclusion. Brief conclusions on the conducted research, evaluation of its effectiveness, recommendations, main directions of further research.

Note: the abovementioned parts have the relevant subtitles.

Part 4Bibliographic reference in Russian for the references in the Russian language and in national languages if relevant. It is preferable to use original sources from peer-reviewed journals from indexing databases. References are arranged in accordance with the requirements of GOST Р 7.0.5–2008. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation. It is recommended to make at least 25-30 sources (at least half of which are not later than 5 years old and at least 10 of which are international)

Note: Authors are responsible for the data listed in the Reference.

Part 5 – The list of references under the heading References should repeat in its sequence the list of sources used in Part 4, regardless of whether or not there are international publications. If there are international publications, they are repeated in the list made in Latin characters (the points after the initials and the space between them are removed, the total number of pages in monographic publications is not indicated).

Note: As Russian-language bibliographic references proved the most difficult for the authors, please see the steps below.

How to prepare Russian-language bibliographic references

  1. Process all References on ( in Library of Congress (LC) transliteration mode.
  2. Copy the transliterated test into References.
  3. Harmonize the transliterated information:
  • for transliterated surnames and initials of the authors (the surnames and initials of all authors are separated by commas), remove the points after the first initials and the spaces between them;
  • after the transliterated title, translate it into English in square brackets;
  • if it is a monography, put the reference after the point is follows: Place of publishing (name of a publisher if relevant); Date of publication without abbreviations and spaces before punctuation;
  • if it is  an article from a periodical, keep its transliterated name in italics, provide the English name of the publication after the sign equals, then put the year, number and pages of the article as year; page number (from-to). Then give online data of the article (in the electronic library eLIBRARY.RU, or on the journal’s website) and the date of the access as: Available from: http://… (accessed DD.ММ.YYYY);
  • indicate the publication language in brackets at the end (In Russian).

Example of the References harmonized the transliterated information

Bibliographic reference:

  1. Агафонова Н. А., Рябов И. Н. Морфологическое маркирование аккузатива в грамматических формах существительного и местоимений эрзянского диалектного ареала // Вестник угроведения. 2022. Т. 12, № 2. С. 207–216. DOI: 10.30624/2220-4156-2022-12-2-207-216.
  2. Казанцев Д. А., Асеева Т. А., Качусов Д. А. Патриотические организации в нацио­нальных республиках Сибирского федерального округа: между национальной и этнической идентичностью // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Сер.: Политология. 2023. Т. 25, № 1. С. 266–278. DOI: 10.22363/2313-1438-2023-25-1-266-278.
  3. Асеев С. Ю. Законодательные основы патриотического воспитания в субъектах Сибирского федерального округа // Российский политический процесс в региональном измерении: история, теория, практика. 2021. № 14. С. 6–9. URL: (дата обращения: 17.12.2023).
  4. Сурхаско Ю. Ю. Карельская свадебная обрядность: (Конец XIX – нач. XX в.). Л.: Наука, Ленингр. отд-ние, 1977. 237 с.
  5. Kończal K., Moses A. D. Patriotic histories in global perspective // Journal of Genocide Research. 2022. Vol. 24, issue 2. P. 153–157. DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2021.1968136.
  6. Hine C. Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. 240 p.

In References:

  1. Agafonova NA, Ryabov IN. Morphological marking of the accusative in grammatical forms of a noun and pronouns in the Erzya dialect area. Vestnik ugrovedeniia = Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 2022;12;2:207–216. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.30624/2220-4156-2022-12-2-207-216.
  2. Kazantsev DA, Aseeva TA, Kachusov DA. Patriotic organizations in the national republics of the Siberian Federal District: between national and ethnic identity. Vestnik Rossiisko­go universiteta druzhby narodov. Ser.: Politologiia = RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2023;25;1:266–278. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.22363/2313-1438-2023-25-1-266-278.
  3. Aseev SIu. Legislative foundations of patriotic education in the constituent entities of the Siberian Federal District. Rossiiskii politicheskii protsess v regional’nom izmerenii: istoriia, teoriia, praktika = Russian political process in the regional dimension: history, theory, practice. 2021;14:6–9. URL: (accessed 12.17.2023). (In Russ.)
  4. Surkhasko IuIu. Karelian wedding rituals: (Late XIX – early XX century). Leningrad; 1977. (In Russ.)
  5. Kończal K, Moses AD. Patriotic histories in global perspective. Journal of Genocide Research. 2022;24;2:153–157. DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2021.1968136.
  6. Hine C. Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday. London; 2015.


Technical requirements for the manuscripts

Save the file of the manuscript as the author’s / authors’ name(s) (for example, Ivanov, Petrova.doc).

The electronic version of the article is emailed to the journal in MS Word 1997-2003 format (* .doc), Times New Roman, font 14 pins, 1.5 line spacing, 2 sm margin, no hyphenation. There is no point after any headings and photos titles. There is a space between each initial and surname. The initials are separated by points and go before the surname. There is no comma between the surname and the initials, since that makes identification process of the author’s name in the database more difficult. Also the author is to provide the author’s information file. Download the author info file template

All relations of “Finno-Ugric World” journal with authors concerning copyright and processing of personal data are regimented by terms of the licensing contract (download).

The References are arranged in in alphabetical order, first in the Cyrillic alphabet, then in the Latin alphabet. All the papers of one author are indicated by the increase in the years of publication. In the text references to the sources used are given in square brackets indicating pages [15, p. 98].

The quality of graphic materials (if used) should correspond to the status of a scientific article: all illustrations should be informative, clear, contrasting, with high spatial resolution. The file format for raster graphics is TIFF or JPEG, resolution is 300 dpi.