Category Archives: № 4 (17)

Contents (2013, 4)

 LANGUAGE PALETTE M. V. MOSIN (Saransk, Russia). Studies on Morphology and Syntax of the Mordovia Languages: Current State and Prospects of Development It analyses the history and current state of the study of morphological and syntactic systems of the Mordovia … Continue reading

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Our authors (2013, 4)

Averina Olga I., Doctor of Economics, Head of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Chair, MordoviaN.P.OgarevStateUniversity (Saransk, Russia), Bogatova Olga A., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chair of Sociology, MordoviaN.P.OgarevStateUniversity (Saransk, Russia), Bortnikova Natalia V., Post-graduate Student, UdmurtStateUniversity (Izhevsk, Udmurtia), … Continue reading

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