ISSN 2076-2577 (print)
ISSN 2541-982X (online)
Registry Entry ПИ № ФС77–70644 August 3, 2017 Archives
Category Archives: № 4 (17)
Contents (2013, 4)
LANGUAGE PALETTE M. V. MOSIN (Saransk, Russia). Studies on Morphology and Syntax of the Mordovia Languages: Current State and Prospects of Development It analyses the history and current state of the study of morphological and syntactic systems of the Mordovia … Continue reading
Our authors (2013, 4)
Averina Olga I., Doctor of Economics, Head of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Chair, MordoviaN.P.OgarevStateUniversity (Saransk, Russia), oiaverina@mail.ru Bogatova Olga A., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chair of Sociology, MordoviaN.P.OgarevStateUniversity (Saransk, Russia), bogatovaoa@yandex.ru Bortnikova Natalia V., Post-graduate Student, UdmurtStateUniversity (Izhevsk, Udmurtia), … Continue reading