Contents (2024, 4)

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I. N. Ryabov, N. A. Agafonova, G. V. Ryabova. A Comparative Analysis of the Expression of Possessive Relations in the Erzya Dialects of the Kochkurovo District, Republic of Mordovia

N. M. Mosina, E. D. Karpunina. Comparative Analysis of Phraseological Units with Somatic Components in the Erzya and Finnish Languages

K. S. Efimov. Typology of Synthetic Forms of the Past Tense of the Verb in the Udmurt Language (Evidentiality and Temporality)


N. V. Chernysheva. Ethnodemographic Processes among the Udmurts of the Kirov Region during the Soviet Period

V. L. Martynov, O. A. Balabeykin, L. A. Korolyov, I. E. Sazonovа. Finns-Ingermanlanders and Cross-Cultural Dynamics of the Suburban Area of Saint Petersburg

A. I. Azhigulovа, S. N. Uvarovb. Marriage Structure of the Population of Udmurtia in 1989–2021


Ustyantsev G.Yu., Efremova D.Yu., Serebrennikova T.L. Sacred Spaces of the Mari Culture. Signs and Typologization of the Mythologized Landscape

Anfinogenov B.V. Ethnofuturism and Traditional Udmurt Ideas about the Future


V. P. Mironova. In Memory of E. S. Kiuru – Scholar and Translator (on the 95th Anniversary of His Birth)

O. A. Pashina. Treasures of the Mordovian musical epic

V. K. Abramov. Formation of the Mordovian Autonomy within Russia

A. G. Burnaev. The Memory of the Hero of the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet Union, Ivan Borin, a Native of Mordovia, Still Lives

V. I. Rogachev, N. V. Karabanova. Ethnic Symbols of the Finno-Ugrians and Its Functions (on the Example of the Erzya and Moksha Semiotic Codification Systems)

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