Contents (2024, 3)

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Normanskaja Ju. V. Assessment of the Classification of the Northwestern Dialect of the Mari Language from the Perspective of Glottochronology

Vaganova E. N., Lapteva I. V. Mordovan Dialectological Dictionary as a Linguistic, Ethnographic and Folklore Source

Sheyanova S. V., Kazaeva N. V. Anthroponymic Space in the Prose by Tamara Bargova


Dianova E. V. Cooperative Cinema in Rural Distribution in Karelia in the 1920s

Matsuk A. M. Mid-Level Personnel in the Finno-Ugric Republics of the RSFSR in the mid-1950s – mid- 1970s: Proportion within the Total Number of Workers and Employees


Pakshina I. A., Maskaeva E. N. Ethnolanguages in the Media Space of the Republic of Mordovia

Antipkina E. N., Kondratenko Yu. A., Svyatogorova V. S. Formation of the Stage Traditions of Mordovian National Ballet through the Work of Composer N. Kosheleva

Shakhnovitch M. M., Kolivatov E. B. Chapel of the Nativity of the Lovozersky Sami Churchyard


Burnaev A. G. Mordovian Dance in a Painting by the Artist A. A. Rybina-Egorova

Pomytkin I. A. Mari Embroidery: Traditions, Research, Creative Exploration

Ivanova L. I., Chikina N. V. T. A. Koski’s Contribution to the Preservation of Musical Culture (on the 100th Anniversary of Her Birth)

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