Contents (2020, 4)


N. V. Belenov (Samara, Russia). Geographical vocabulary of the Shilan dialect of the Erzya-Mordovian language

V. P. Grishunina, N. I. Ershova (Saransk, Russia). Structural-semantic features of buildings’ names and their parts in the subdialects of the Republic of Mordovia

E. M. Deviatkina (Moscow, Russia). Translation of the “Gospel of Luke” (1821) into Erzya: some features of noun morphology

N. V. Kondratieva, T. A. Krasnova (Izhevsk, Russia). Reflection of the linguistic picture of the world in Udmurt phraseology (on the material of the “Celestial sphere” theme group)

F. M. Lelkhova (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia). Lexical and semantic features of the names of herbaceous plants in dialects of the Khanty language


E. N. Kasarkina, A. A. Antipova (Saransk, Russia). Influence of socio-cultural attitudes on marriage of modern youth in Mordovia (on the example of Saransk)

A. N. Pavlova (Yohkar-Ola, Russia). A costume in the funeral rituals of the Mari people

M. N. Kazakova, I. G. Napalkova (Saransk, Russia). Patriotic education as a basis for strengthening Russian national civic identity: experience of the Republic of Mordovia


O. G. Belomoeva, Yu. A. Kondratenko (Saransk, Russia). Ethnocultural tradition in the modern world: functional aspect

G. E. Shkalina (Yohkar-Ola, Russia). Mari holiday of Peledysh Payrem: crossroads of spiritual traditions


V. N. Maksimov (Yohkar-Ola, Russia). Galina N. Boyarinova is celebrating 60th anniversary

V. K. Abramov (Saransk, Russia). Arvo Valton – 85

A. M. Kochevatkin (Saransk, Russia). To the memory of “People’s Minister” A. S. Luzgin

A. G. Oshaev, R. I. Chuzaev (Yohkar-Ola, Russia). To the blessed memory of Professor K. N. Sanukov

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