Contents (2021, 1)

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T. P. Ariskina. The history of the studying word building in the Mordovian languages

I. G. Ivanova, R. A. Egoshina. Prosodic characteristics of emotionally-colored phrases in typologically unrelated languages: based on the Mari and French languages

E. D. Karpunina. Representation of the concept “money” in phraseological units of the Finnish and Erzia languages


O. V. Galtseva. Local rural holidays as a manifestation of cultural memory of Russian and Finno-Ugric populations in Nizhny Novgorod region

O. I. Kulagin. Transformation of the institutional environment of a timber enterprise as a factor of social and economic development of the Finno-Ugric region in the 1990-ies

T. V. Pashkova. Image of a snake in Karelian folk medicine


A. V. Berezina. Everyday cultural practices of the Ural Mari

K. M. Romanov. Reflection of emotional experience in the culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples


V. I. Antonova. In memory of Professor V. I. Dyomin. He hurried up to live, as well as he did to do good

O. G. Belomoeva, N. Yu. Lysova. “Leaving a mark”. Afterword

E. A. Tsypanov. To the 85th anniversary of A. I. Turkin

S. P. Gudkova. The image of the city in the works of Khanty writers

V. N. Maksimov. Another book on Mari lexicography

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