S. L. Iakovleva, G. N. Kazyro (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). National specific features of Mari and American paroemae about wealth

National specific features of Mari  and American paroemae about wealth

Iakovleva Svetlana L.,
Candidate Sc. {Pedagogy}, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Speech Communication, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mari State University
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), zavkaf1@gmail.com

Kazyro Galina N.,
Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Speech Communication, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mari State University
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), galinarfa@yahoo.com

Introduction. The object of the research is the concept of wealth in the Mari and English languages. The subject of the article is the verbalization of the concept wealth reflected in the paroemiological world view of the Mari language and American English. The objective of the work is to represent a comparative analysis of the paroemiological units, their typological similarities and differences in content and expression.
Materials and Methods. To reach the objective of the research, the descriptive, comparative, structural, semantic and statistical methods were used. The words poian, poianlyk, iorlo, nuzhna (поян, поянлык, йорло, нужна) serve as verbalizers in the Mari language and rich, riches, wealth are in American English. The analysis of the paroemias selected with the help of continuous sampling method from Mari and American dictionaries of proverbs allowed performing a semantic and contextual analysis of lexical units verbalizing the concept wealth.
Results and Discussion. As a result, the paper reveals common, universal and specific features of conceptualization in both linguocultures. The research shows common, partially common and specific dominant ideas with the prevalence of  specific features, which proves that peoples are unique in perception and conceptualization of the world due to their own experience.
Conclusion.  The conducted research allows to draw a conclusion about the uniqueness of the perception of the world, its special vision by each people in the conceptualization of reality on the basis of the experience of the ethnos.

Key words: proverb; paroemiological view of the world; concept; wealth; the Mari language; American English.

For citation: Iakovleva SL, Kazyro GN. Natsional’naia iazykovaia spetsifika mariiskikh i amerikanskikh paremii o bogatstve [National specific features of Mari and American paroemae about wealth]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 2: 63–71. (In Russian)

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