Tradition and modern trends of familistical culture of Mordovian young family in the countryside
Kasarkina Elena N.,
Cand. Sc. {Sociology}, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia),
Antipova Alena A.,
Cand. Sc. {Sociology}, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia),
Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of young families living in rural areas of the Republic of Mordovia, to examine the main factors and elements comprising familistical culture of the studied families. The relevance of the study due to the fact that a young family is the point of intersection of socio-cultural elements and the society makes higher demands as to the source of providing the human and intellectual resources. The research goal is to reveal contradictions between the needs and possibilities of young families to shape family values, to preserve traditions and to implement the marriage and family setting in modern rural society.
Materials and Methods. The most significant role in determining the methodological approaches of the research were: the concept of a young family as a crisis stage of development of the family (A. I. Antonov, A. Giddens, C. Jeffrey, L. Mcdoweland); the concept of modernization a young family (A. G. Volkov, V. I. Zhukov, E. I. Zritneva, U. Baeck, H. Vinken); its unique and specific features; dependency of a young family on the living conditions (E. Yu. Garanina, S. I. Grigoriev, L. G. Guslyakova, S. V. Pavlov, L. Simons, C. Burt, R. Tambling); the concept of social exclusion of families, youth, living in rural areas (P. Commins, M. Shucksmith ); the concept of the specificity and uniqueness of a young family (I. G. Akhmedov, I. F. Dementieva, J. Myklebus, B. Solvang). The formation of areas of theoretical analysis and the research problem has also occurred with regard to the scientific positions of research of the determination of the characteristics of family life regarding to regional, settlement, ethnic factors (Z. Bednarikova, M. Bavorova, E. V. Ponkina), including in the Mordovian families (Z. I. Akimova, E. G. Kovalenko). It applied scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, interpretation, systemic method, secondary analysis of empirical data of sociological research. The study was conducted using questionnaires, which main tools were the questionnaire of the sociological survey of young families.
Results and Discussion. The result empirically substantiates the trends in the preservation of young families’ traditional family values and the formation of modern elements of familistical culture. The article presents the assessment of the young couple of the purpose of marriage; characteristics of personal relations of the spouses, the influence of the parental family and the ability of young couples to solve conflicts in a constructive way, which is a measure of the development in the modern world.
Conclusion. The study showed that familistical culture of the Mordovian young family in the modern villages possess both typical traditional and modern trends.
Key words: young family; Mordovian; familistic culture; village; traditions; customs; family values.
For citation: Kasarkina EN, Antipova AA. Traditsii i sovremennye tendentsii familisticheskoi kul’tury mordovskoi molodoi sem’i na sele [Tradition and modern trends of familistical culture of mordovian young family in the countryside]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 3: 79–89. (In Russian)
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