Contents (2025, 1)

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Maticsák S. The Etymological Layers of Currency Unit Names in the Mordovian Languages

Ivanova G. S., Vodyasova L. P., Ivanova N. V. Morphonological Features in the Paradigm of the Main Declension in the Suzgar Type of Moksha Dialects in the Ruzaevsky Area

Osmak N. A. Collocations with the Nomination ‘‘Russia’’ in the Corpus of Finno-Ugric Internet Travelogues

Rodionova A. P., Boyko T. P. The Formant -päi (-piäi) in Postpositional Cases (on the Example of Livvi and Ludian Dialects)

Kongoeva A. A. The Legacy of the Karelian Non-Calenderic Onomasticon in the Toponymy of the Syamozerye Region

History, Ethnography, Archeology

Vavulinskaya L. I., Yalovitsyna S. E. Religious Dynamics in Border Regions in the Context of Interfaith and External Relations (Based on Materials from the Republic of Karelia, 1940–1980s)

Bikeуkin E. N., Guseva T. M., Kursheva G. A. The Traditional Culture of the Mordovians in the Kazan Province: A Historical and Ethnographic Perspective

Saberov R. A. Exploring the Developmental Trajectory of the Institution of Clergy in the Mari Traditional Religion in the 1950s–1960s (Based on Materials from the Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature, and History)

Cultural Studies and Folklore Studies

Pyreskina E. M., Pivkina S. V., Dementieva K. V. The Mordovian Translation Process in the Context of Literature and Print Media from the Late 18th to the 20th Century

Kondratieva N. V. Dushenkova T. R. Why Are There Spots on the Moon? – On the Issue of the Astronomical Codes of the Udmurt People

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