N. G. Ivlieva (Saransk, Russia). Creation of maps of Mordovian ethnos resettlement in Siberian region on the data of USSR population census of 1926

Creation of maps of Mordovian ethnos resettlement in Siberian region on the data of USSR population census of 1926

Ivlieva Natalia G.,
Cand. Sc. {Engineering}, Associate Professor, Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), gkg_mrsu@mail.ru

Introduction. The Mordvian people are characterized by the residence of a significant part of the ethnic group outside of the ethnic territory. Using of modern methods of cartographic visualization and mathematical-cartographic modeling, it is possible to reveal regularities and features of the processes of Mordovian settlement in Siberia.
The object of the study was the territory of the settlement of the Mordovian people. The subject of the study is a cartographic representation of the location of the Mordva in Siberia on the basis of the population census. The aim of the research is to identify the specific features of the location of the Mordovian population in the Siberian region according to the data of the All-USSR Census of 1926 using GIS technologies. The developed maps can be used in future by historians, geographers, specialists in Finno-Ugric Studies, and others.
Materials and Methods. As accounting and statistical sources, the materials from the All-Union Population Census of 1926 were used. Within the framework of this work, MapInfo GIS functionality for geoinformation mapping was used.
Results and Discussion. To conduct research on the spatial aspects of placing the Mordovian people in Siberia in the 1920s, it was necessary to reconstruct the administrative division scheme of the territory for the period under study. As a result of the cartographic modeling performed on the basis of GIS technologies, a series of maps were created on the territory of the Siberian region that show the spatial aspects of the settlement of the Mordovian ethnos in Siberia at different territorial levels. The application of geo-information methods in historical studies allowed to analyze various sources, visualize the nature and features of the spread of the phenomenon being studied.
Conclusion. The integration of sciences, which has become one of the leading trends in the modern development of the scientific worldview, allows the creation of new knowledge. A large body of data obtained through population censuses can be effectively analyzed on the basis of modern GIS technologies. The created series of maps on the basis of the All-Union Population Census of 1926 provides an opportunity to study the spatial and temporal features of the Mordovian settlement in Siberia.

Key words: maps; Mordovians resettlement; Siberian region; All-Union Population Census of 1926; GIS technologies.

For citation: Ivlieva NG. Sozdanie kart rasseleniia mordvy v Sibirskom krae na osnove materialov Vsesoiuznoi perepisi naseleniia 1926 g. [Creation of maps of Mordovian ethnos resettlement in Siberian region on the data of USSR population census of 1926]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 3: 55–67. (In Russian)

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