Interpretation of mythological plots in the works by Yuvan Shestalov
Dinislamova Svetlana S.,
Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Leading Research Fellow, Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Development (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia),
Introduction. Works by Yu. Shestalov is a deeply original phenomenon of national culture. The purpose of the work is to study the form of existence of mythological subjects in the works of the writer. The object of the research is his prose, created in various years of literary creativity; the subject is the identification of interpretation features of the mythological plots found in some of his works. The results of the research can be used for lectures on the Mansi literature.
Materials and Methods. The material was the works by Yu. Shestalov, created in different periods. Cultural-historical, historical-genetic, biographical, ethnic and philological methods were employed to study the creative individuality of the poet, the spiritual foundations of his personality and literary activity.
Results and Discussion. Attitude to the folklore of Yuvan Shestalov varied at different stages of his works, and at the same time in each of the periods the interpretation of folklore motifs was consistent with the preceding ones. The author presents myths and mythical tales not only as a direct narration, but he also transforms them. Many myths receive unexpectedly new modern sound. Modernist approach to myth-making is traced in the multiplication of the characters from old tales and tales of other peoples, each image leading to certain associations.
Conclusion. Myths have a special significance for the writer. He is called upon to reveal the origins of a peculiar vision of the world, a feature of a national character. Mythical stories are brought into the narrative when it comes to the most important values for the characters. Generally, folklore material in the works by Yu. Shestalov has an important historical and cultural significance, which is associated with the preservation of the oral and poetic heritage for the future.
Key words: myth; interpretation; plot; Yu. Shestalov.
For citation: Dinislamova SS. Interpretatsiia mifologicheskikh siuzhetov v proizvedeniiakh Iuvana Shestalova [Interpretation of mythological plots in the works by Yuvan Shestalov]. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2017; 4: 12–20. (In Russian)
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