A. V. Kamitova. The semantic content of the Udmurt words osto and kozma in written sources of the late XIX and early XX centuries

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DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.015.2023.03.274-286

The semantic content of the Udmurt words osto and kozma in written sources of the late XIX and early XX centuries

Alevtina V. Kamitova
Udmurt Federal Research Center,
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Izhevsk, Russia

Introduction. The article deals with the semantic content of the Udmurt words osto and kozma, which are recorded in written sources of the late XIX and early XX centuries. The analysis of the materials has shown that establishing the exact meaning of these lexemes during that period presented considerable complexity. This research is undertaken with the aim of approaching the determination of the true meanings of the mentioned words, using extensive material found in the sources as examples.
Materials and Methods. The research materials consist of written sources from the late XIX and early XX century, primarily based on fieldwork data. The examination of the Udmurt words osto and kozma as recorded in written sources from this period is conducted using a semantic analysis method, with a connection to the historical and cultural aspect.
Results and Discussion. It is revealed that the lexemes under consideration are mainly interpreted within the framework of the theological paradigm and are most often found in traditional prayers and in texts of Orthodox content. The article describes various interpretations of the semantics of the words osto and kozma, providing variants of their translation and explanations proposed by foreign and Russian scholars, as well as church historians. These lexemes continue to remain within the scope of current attention and еру interest of researchers. Some authors are inclined to classify them as words of unclear etymology, while others put forth assumptions regarding their semantic context.
Conclusion. Based on the materials studied at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century, the author determined that the word kozma exists mainly in prayers and incantations. Its true meaning is currently difficult to determine, but in most cases, it is used as a proper name, or in the meaning of “bless”. The word osto is used as an epithet and primarily applied to God.

Keywords: Udmurt words, written documents, semantics, meaning of the word, prayer practice

For citation: Kamitova AV. The semantic content of the Udmurt words osto and kozma in written sources of the late XIX and early XX centuries. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2023;15;3:274–286. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.015.2023.03.274-286.

Information about the author
А. V. Kamitova – Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Philological Research, Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, akamitova@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7119-1797
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