L. A. Molchanova. Shamanic microcosm in the symbolism of wedding headdresses in the Udmurt and Russian traditions

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DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.015.2023.04.483-492

Shamanic microcosm in the symbolism of wedding headdresses in the Udmurt and Russian traditions

Lyudmila A. Molchanova
Udmurt State University,
Izhevsk, Russia

Introduction. The article deals with the design and semantics of shaman hats and wedding maiden headdresses in the Udmurt and Russian traditions. The author makes an attempt to identify the genetic connection between shamanic and wedding headdresses.
Materials and Methods. Taking into account the symbolic nature of the costume, the structural-semiotic method with its three levels of research: syntactics, pragmatics and semantics was taken as a basis for the study of traditional headdresses. In addition, the principles of artistic anthropology are used in the work. This field of art studies works of art as a creation of human hands, as a kind of the unique text reflecting the author’s worldview.
Results and Discussion. The shamanic image of the Universe has three levels on vertical and a four-part horizontal. All this is reflected in the symbolism of the ancestral tree. It is the ancestral tree in shamanic ideology that is the giver of new lives and carries out the connection of generations, this is the key figure of shamanic magical practice. This shamanic microcosm is reflected in the symbolism of brides’ hats in both the Russian and Udmurt traditions. A similar design of shamanic and women’s wedding headdresses confirms their antiquity and common origin, their genetic connection. The primary idea of the shamanic ancestral tree, the source of new lives and the connection of generations is preserved by tradition. It is intuitive and completely reproduced in a special way in every ethnic culture.
Conclusion. The article examines the design and semantics of shaman hats and wedding maiden headdresses in the Udmurt and Russian traditions. Based on the similarity of the design features of these hats, it was possible to determine the semantics and identify their ancient origin and genetic relationships.

Keywords: shamanism, bride’s headdress, tradition, ancestral tree, world tree

For citation: Molchanova LA. Shamanic microcosm in the symbolism of wedding headdresses in the Udmurt and Russian traditions. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2023;15;4:483–492. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.015.2023.04.483-492.

Information about the author
L. A. Molchanova – Candidate Sc. {History}, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Technologies and Art Design, Udmurt State University, lusmolchan@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8379-3450

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