ISSN 2076-2577 (print)
ISSN 2541-982X (online)
Registry Entry ПИ № ФС77–70644 August 3, 2017 Archives
Tag Archives: 2018-03
Contents (2018, 3)
PHILOLOGY L. A. Abukaeva (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). The concept jylme ‘language’ in the language and ordinary world views of Mari V. B. Bakula (Murmansk, Russia). Problems of formation of literary language of the Kola Saami E. A. Kartushina (Moscow, Russia). Pragmatic … Continue reading
N. I. FABRICHNOVA (Ichalki, Russia). Dialogue of cultures took place!
Dialogue of cultures took place! Natalia I. Fabrichnova, teacher of a foreign language, Ichalkovsky Teachers College (Ichalki, Russia), ipk_kirova@mail.ru
E. M. KOLCHEVA (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Landscape field/meadow archetype in the Mari art of the 1950s–1980s
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.120-125 Landscape field/meadow archetype in the Mari art of the 1950s–1980s Elvira M. Kolcheva, Candidate Sc. {Arts}, Associate Professor, Department of Monumental and Decorative Art, Painting and Art History, Kazan State Institute of Culture, Department of Social and Cultural … Continue reading
N. I. BOIARKIN (Saransk, Russia). Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lobanov: serving the science
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.106-119 Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lobanov: serving the science Nikolai I. Boiarkin, Doctor of Art History, Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Interregional Research Center for Finno-Ugric Studies, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), bojarkin_ni@mail.ru October 16, 2018 is the 75th anniversary of … Continue reading
S. N. ZETKIN (Saransk, Russia). Orthodox Mass-media in cultural and information media of the Republic of Mordovia
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.095-105 Orthodox Mass-media in cultural and information media of the Republic of Mordovia Sergei N. Zetkin, MA student, Philology Department, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia) serzet@mail.ru The article analyses the content of orthodox mass-media in cultural and information … Continue reading
V. V. KOZIN, T. I. KIRDIASHKINA (Saransk, Russia). Attendance monitoring of ethnic tourism objects in the Republic of Mordovia in 2017
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.086-094 Attendance monitoring of ethnic tourism objects in the Republic of Mordovia in 2017 Vladimir V. Kozin, Candidate Sc. {Sociology}, Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Department for Monitoring for Demography and Labor Processes, Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring … Continue reading
O. I. KULAGIN (Petrozavodsk, Russia). Timber industrial complex as an instrument of interaction of the state and the Finno-Ugric region: in search of new research approaches
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.078-085 Timber industrial complex as an instrument of interaction of the state and the Finno-Ugric region: in search of new research approaches Oleg I. Kulagin, Candidate Sc. {History}, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History, Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russia), … Continue reading
A. K. GAGIEVA (Syktyvkar, Russia). Public charity as the activity of Ust-Sysolsk “local community” in the second half of XIX century
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.070-077 Public charity as the activity of Ust-Sysolsk “local community” in the second half of XIX century Anna K. Gagieva, Doctor of History, Professor, Komi Republican Academy of State Service and Management (Syktyvkar, Russia), gngkol2@mail.ru The article discusses the … Continue reading
E. N. MUHINA, T. N. POTAPOVA (Kovylkino, Russia). The location of the adverbial modifier in the modern Erzya and Finnish languages
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.02.064-069 The location of the adverbial modifier in the modern Erzya and Finnish languages Evgeniya N. Muhina, Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Lecturer, Department of Vocational Education, Kovylkinsky branch, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Kovylkino, Russia), zenja.admajkina@mail.ru Tatiyana N. Potapova, Candidate Sc. {Economics}, … Continue reading
M. V. MOSIN, N. M. MOSINA (Saransk, Russia). Features of the evolution of the vowels of the first syllable of Finno-Ugric stem in the Mordovian languages
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.053-063 Features of the evolution of the vowels of the first syllable of Finno-Ugric stem in the Mordovian languages Mihail V. Mosin, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Finno-Ugric Philology, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), finugor@rambler.ru Natalya M. … Continue reading
E. N. MOROZOVA (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Research methods and techniques of the phraseological stock studies in the Mari language
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.045-052 Research methods and techniques of the phraseological stock studies in the Mari language Ekaterina N. Morozova, Postgraduate Student, Department of Finno-Ugric and Comparative Philology, Mari State University (Joshkar-Ola, Russia),morozovaen@volgatech.net The article analyzes in detail methodological framework used for … Continue reading
A. S. MIGUNOVA (Kochkurovo, Russia). Derivational means of expressing locativity in the Erzya and Finnish languages
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.038-044 Derivational means of expressing locativity in the Erzya and Finnish languages Anna S. Migunova, Teacher of Russian language and literature, Kochkurovo Secondary School of Kochkurovsky district, Republic of Mordovia (Kochkurovo, Russia), zyuzyaevaanya@mail.ru The semantic category “locality” is a … Continue reading
F. M. LELKHOVA (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia). Derivational structure of disease names in the Khanty language
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.032-037 Derivational structure of disease names in the Khanty language Fedosia M. Lelkhova, Сand. of Sciences {Philology}, Ob-Ugrian Institute of Applied Researches and Development (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), lelhovafm@yandex.ru Structural word-formation models of the vocabulary of diseases are considered on the … Continue reading
E. A. KARTUSHINA (Moscow, Russia). Pragmatic Reality of Finglish (in Twitter Social Network)
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.023-031 Pragmatic Reality of Finglish (in Twitter Social Network) Elena A. Kartushina, Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Head of the Foreign Languages Sector, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (Moscow, Russia), eakartushina@gmail.com Being a global language English undergoes certain changes … Continue reading
V. B. BAKULA (Murmansk, Russia). Problems of formation of literary language of the Kola Saami
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.010.2018.03.013-022 Problems of formation of literary language of the Kola Saami Viktorya B. Bakula, Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Russian language and mass communications, Murmansk Arctic State University (Murmansk, Russia), museum-vs@yandex.ru The article analyzes the stages of … Continue reading