M. V. Loginova. Ethno-aesthetics in the system ethnic culture: theoretical and methodological aspect

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Original article
DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.013.2021.02.169-179

Ethno-aesthetics in the system ethnic culture: theoretical and methodological aspect

Marina V. Loginova
National Research Mordovia State University,
Saransk, Russia

Introduction. The article deals with the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of ethno-aesthetics as a “cultural code” of an ethnos through a systematic approach to solving the problem of the ratio of ethno-culture and ethno-aesthetics. The aim of the study is a philosophical analysis of ethno-aesthetics to determine the semantic potential of the symbolic capital of ethnic culture.
Materials and Methods. The logic of the research, ascending from the abstract (definition of ethno-aesthetics) to the exact (ethno-futurism), is based on a systemic approach. It distinguishes the following methods: dialectical (ethno-aesthetics at the level of the singular, particular and universal), comparative-historical (transformation of ethno-aesthetic values); structural and functional (ethno-aesthetics as an open system of aesthetic values that serve as “markers” of ethnic originality).
Results and Discussion. The author denotes the theoretical and methodological aspects of ethno-aesthetics in the modern conditions of being of an ethnos: ethno-aesthetic values, aesthetic ontology of ethnos, expression in ethno-aesthetics of the “spirit of a people”. In the ethnic world-picture the expression of the concept “spirit of the people” allows to highlight the levels of ethno-aesthetics in ethnoculture: substantial (aesthetic consciousness, aesthetic values that reflect/express the “spirit of a people”); functional-historical (transforming system of aesthetic relations and aesthetic experience of an ethnos). The author notes the relationship of ethno-aesthetic values with mentality, the “spirit of a people”, the deep layers of ethnic consciousness (traditions, rites, beliefs, mythological representations, archetypes), art as a system of creating symbolic images. The dialectics of single, special and universal with regard to aesthetic values distinguishes ethno-aesthetics as the level of being of special, which at the same time combines (values and creative potential of an ethnos in world exploration) and determines the specifics of understanding and interpretation by an ethnos the basic values (the beautiful, the tragic, the comic, etc.) and its fixation in the language. The source of aesthetic ontology is the experiencing by an ethnos life, nature, labour, creativity, which have creative and harmonizing potential.
Conclusion. The author interprets ethno-aesthetics as an integral part of aesthetics, which creates a philosophical theory of an ethnos aesthetic relationship to the world (nature, art, labour), reflects the process of formation and development of aesthetic sensuality and aesthetic consciousness, the value of the world.

Keywords: ethno-aesthetics, ethnic culture, ethno-aesthetic values, theoretical and methodological aspect, systematic approach, Mordovian ethnos, aesthetic ontology of ethnos, ethnofuturism

For citation: Loginova MV. Ethno-aesthetics in the system ethnic culture: theoretical and methodological aspect. Finno-ugorskii mir = Finno-Ugric World. 2021;13;2:169–179. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.15507/2076-2577.013.2021.02.169-179.

Information about the author
M. V. Loginova – Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Department of Cultural Studies, Library and Information Resources, National Research Mordovia State University, marina919@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1405-0976


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