ISSN 2076-2577 (print)
ISSN 2541-982X (online)
Registry Entry ПИ № ФС77–70644 August 3, 2017 Archives
Tag Archives: 2016-01
T. V. Pashkova (Petrozavodsk, Russia). Names, classification and social portrait of the sorcerer in the Karelian environment
Names, classification and social portrait of the sorcerer in the Karelian environment Pashkova Tatiana V., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Baltic-Finnish Philology, Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russia), tvp-1979@mail.ru The author compares the terminology naming a sorcerer in various … Continue reading
M. S. Mamontova (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). The regional literary awards and contests in the context of the conservation of traditions of book culture
The regional literary awards and contests in the context of the conservation of traditions of book culture Mamontova Marina S., Candidate Sc. {Pedagogy}, Acting Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Technologies, Mari State University (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), mamontova-ms@mail.ru The … Continue reading
N. N. Levina (Saransk, Russia). Landscape as a universal component in the narrative art (on the example of a Mordovian story)
Landscape as a universal component in the narrative art (on the example of a Mordovian story) Levina Natalia N., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Finno-Ugric Literatures, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), lev-nataliyan@ya.ru The proposed article pays attention … Continue reading
E. V. Guseva (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Linguistic and stylistic features of male and female portraits in a work of art
Linguistic and stylistic features of male and female portraits in a work of art Guseva Elina V., Candidate Sс. {Philology}, Deputy Director, Institute of National Culture and Intercultural Communication, Mari State University (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), guseva_elina@ mail.ru The article deals with … Continue reading
N. S. Bratchikova (Moscow, Russia). Love lyrics in Finnish literature: from origins to the early XX century
Love lyrics in Finnish literature: from origins to the early XX century N. S. Bratchikova (Moscow, Russia). Love lyrics in Finnish literature: from origins to the early XX century It considers the examples of lyrical works, where love is the … Continue reading
N. A. Agafonova (Saransk, Russia). “Mordovia ethnographic collection” by A. A. Shakhmatov as a source to study Erzya dialects
“Mordovia ethnographic collection” by A. A. Shakhmatov as a source to study Erzya dialects Agafonova Nina A., Candidate of Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Mordovian Languages, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), ohanina@rambler.ru It analyzes Shakhmatov’s description of phonetic … Continue reading
T. P. Ariskina, A. I. Fomina (Saransk, Russia). The system of kinship terminology in the Erzya and Hungarian languages (based on the epic “Mastorava” / “Masztorava”)
The system of kinship terminology in the Erzya and Hungarian languages (based on the epic “Mastorava” / “Masztorava”) Ariskina Tatyana P., Candidate Sc. {Philology}, Associate Professor, Department of Finno-Ugric and Comparative Linguistics, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), ariskina82@mail.ru Fomina … Continue reading
Contents (2016, 1)
pdf PHILOLOGY T. P. Ariskina, A. I. Fomina (Saransk, Russia). The system of kinship terminology in the Erzya and Hungarian languages (based on the epic “Mastorava” / “Masztorava”) N. A. Agafonova (Saransk, Russia). “Mordovia ethnographic collection” by A. A. Shakhmatov … Continue reading